Gray Friday

Because I didn’t get up until 11:30 yesterday morning, I couldn’t sleep last night. My sleeplessness was aided and abetted by a good book and random cold-weather house-settling noises. I knew it had to be getting cold by how much noise the house was making. When I looked at my weather app at 2:00 AM, it was nine degrees below zero. (Now it’s twenty below.)

What do you do on Black Friday at 3:00 in the morning when you can’t sleep? Go to Target of course. It was deserted and I managed to get all of things I’d had my eye on. I needed a new small TV for my sister’s room, since she’ll take hers with her when she packs up her stuff at Christmas, and I found one for about $100. I snagged a couple of movies and a TV season I wanted and managed to find a couple of gifts as well. Jammies for Little L! (Yes, she’s solidly in a 3T at 19 months, so future jammies have to be 4T.)


I came home and went to bed and didn’t get up until after noon, so tonight should be another fun one. Then my mom and I went out to Joann Fabrics late in the day, as though I needed more fabric. I mainly went on a fat-quarter-buying spree, but I also got some flannel as a gift for my sister-in-law’s birthday on Monday. I snagged this little deal, too:


Ahhhhh. My ribbons are all organized instead of jumbled in a tub. So lovely.

I managed to get my Crappy Day Presents pulled together tonight, which is good because the deadline for sending is tomorrow.


I get such a little thrill out of a full box of CDPs! Hopefully my recipient enjoys opening them as much as I did pulling them together.

Tomorrow: the post office and car shopping. Maybe just for fun, I’ll hit the dentist and the DMV, too.

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