Happy Thanksgiving!

This day was a bit jumbled and out of order. I woke up initially at 6:00 AM, got up and set the DVR for the parade (because I forgot to do it last night), checked Twitter and went back to sleep. I figured I’d wake up about 9:00. Instead, I woke up again at 11:30. I turned on the recording of the parade and whipped up the two things I was assigned to bring: ranch dip and chocolate pudding pie. The first is a packet of ranch…stuff…in a thing of sour cream. The second is a big package of instant chocolate pudding in a store-bought graham cracker pie crust. I like to keep things simple.

Then I threw myself in the shower and watched some more parade while I got ready. I had to leave the house by 1:30, so I only got about halfway through the parade before I had to go. At my sister-in-law’s parents’ new house, the spread was intense despite a conscious effort to simplify things this year. We ate our fill, watched some football, ate some more, watched some more football, played some card games, and ate a little more. I didn’t get home until after 9:00.

I am so blessed that our two families get along so well. There was much laughter, good-natured teasing, and story telling. They truly are an extension of my own family. One of the coolest things this year was to see my sister-in-law’s nephew and see how far he’s come in the last year. He has a sensory processing disorder and some hefty speech and behavior delays, but the difference between this year and last is like night and day. He and his family and his teachers and his therapists have worked so hard and the improvement is obvious.

When I got home tonight, I turned the parade back on to finish it. I’m not sure why I feel compelled, but I do. It made me laugh because I finally saw the commercial my company did a couple of months ago. I’d seen the final cut at work but never “in the wild”. It stars my boss and his girlfriend and it always makes me laugh. However, he’ll be really happy to know it aired in such a prominent spot. It also means the phone’s going to be ringing off the hook on Monday.

Now I’m headed to bed after a full, happy day. If I happen to wake up early again, I may run out to Target for some shopping. I’m not going to kill myself to do it, though. And I probably won’t go out if I wake up mid-morning. The crowds will be nuts by then. I’d like to go to Joann Fabrics as well, but I’m not sure I want to fight that particular battle tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I hope your day was as lovely as mine.

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